Crusader kings iii walkthrough
Crusader kings iii walkthrough

Stability, it is not a resource per se, but gaining stability can help you cash out loads of gold or prestige. A word of caution, do not let your piety get into negative numbers, it can lead you to get excommunicated from the Church, once there you are easy target to the others catholic Kingdoms. Piety, doing favors to the pope, or spreading the catholic faith with buildings in your provinces or via events you will gain piety, you can't do much with piety, it serves to gain good standing with your peers and the pope. You gain this by some traits your ruler can have, with some random events, but mainly by winning wars, conquering lands and going to crusades. Prestige, claiming titles (which you need if you want to go to war with any catholic Kingdom, making war with other catholic nations is not well seen just because, you have to have a reason, and in this game claiming a title of a rival's land is that reason) cost you prestige. You gain this by collecting taxes, asking for tribute and some events, give you gold too. Gold, your money, with this you do most of the things in the game, buy province improvements, pay tributes and taxes (if you are a vassal), pay for your active regiments, give gifts to another rulers, etc.

  • MiniMap, access to various minimap modes, zoom levels, the Ledger screen, and the game menu.
  • Treasury, customize the amount of taxes and other expenses here.
  • Court, clicking here you can assign courtiers to be advisors in your court.
  • Ruler Actions, a list of actions related to your ruler and Kingdom management is shown here.
  • crusader kings iii walkthrough

  • Coat of Arms, clicking this will center your main province and will display the Kingdom information along with your ruler portrait and the "Kingdom menu".
  • Ruler Portrait, clicking on it will open your character window.
  • Province Details, economic, strategic and social information is shown here.
  • Social groups power buttons, with this " + " buttons you can increase the power of each social group present in the selected province.
  • Province Improvements, shows improvements availables to build in the selected province.
  • crusader kings iii walkthrough

    Top Bar, where your resources, date & pause button, and info flags are displayed.Most of the commands are self-explanatory. The interface is quite simple and minimalistic, there are no complex menus or a lot of icons or buttons. * A horrible sense of frustration as you see your Kingdom break apart and your vassals declaring war on you because your successor is hated/inept. * A great sense of satisfaction as you see your Kingdom grow and your vassals love you. * Although the game plays in real time, you will be having the "one more turn" kind of feeling.

    crusader kings iii walkthrough

    * Plot against a rival Kingdom to make it fall, just for their land or to weak a powerful rival. * Use the 'Pause' key and the 'Control' + '+' and 'Control' + '-' to pause the time and control the game speed A LOT. And most of the times you will be finding the way to ensure a proper successor among all your candidates. * Breed your successor, if you fail to father a son and have no successor of your own blood line, the game will end. * Move armies and plan cunning attacks on your enemies. * You will be marrying people for convenience, a very good way to get young wives and powerful advisors, and from time to time be the heir to a nobility title.

    crusader kings iii walkthrough

    * You will be balancing your royal budget, waging war is not cheap. * CK plays very much like a board game, so you will be staring at a map A LOT.

    Crusader kings iii walkthrough