1SBN: 978-1-63344-350-1 Product Code: SWR1 2 Printed in China For more informatlOn about Stor Wdrs Roiepiaying, f「ee down看oads, answersto ruie querieS, Orjust to pass on g「eetings, Visit uS O掴ne at com/StarWarsRPG l▲青l十〇〇漢書菓事i1 - 1. ◎&TM Lucasfflm Ltd No part ofthis product may be reproduced without speciflC Wrltten PermlSSion.įantasy Fllght Games and the FFG Logo are reglStered trademarks of Fantasy Fiight Games App Store is a service mark ofApple lnc. Robert SlmPSOn Leiand Chee, Pab看o Hidaigo,į州TASY Fantasy F=ght Games FLIGIIT 1 995 West County Road B2 LUGASF8 LM ⊂REAr8“iVE DiRECTOR SEN音OR EDI丁OR LuきASFlしM STORY GROuP Jake Murray, Ameen Naksewee, David Auden Nash, Andrew Oison,ĭanIeI Lovat Ciark, Tim Cox, AiexIS Dykema, Sam Gregor-Stewart Kevin ¥ぬn SIoun, Jason Walden Lukasz Jaskoisk主Jeff Lee Johnson, Jason Juta,Īiexander Kozachenko, Adam Lane, Magnoiiet,ĪntonlO Jose Manzanedo, MiChai M恢OWSki, Aaron B. JB Casacop, Laura Csa」agi, Aiexandre DainChe,ĬhriStina DaviS, A11en Douglas, Sacha Angel Diener,Īnthony FeiicianO, Aurore Folny, tony Fot主Īudrey Hotte, Joel Hustak, Rafai Hrynkiewicz, Ryan Ba「ger, Arden Beckwith, Aiberto Bontempi,Ĭhristopher Bu「dett, Paui Bu「row, Marco Caradoma,

Tommy Amold, C「iSti Baianescu, Tiziano Baracchi,

PRODU⊂丁ION MANAGEMENT Jason G看awe and Dyian Tiemey Matthew Starbuck, Preston Stone, Darren lan, 丁iffany巾「間Cha「ies Urbach, Ryan va11e, 丁homas WIeVegg, Sara WinterS,īen Zweife上and the Lucasfilm art a「chives Steriing Hershey, Keith Kappei, and Phii MaleWSkI ⊂RED看丁S 岳X胃ANSloN D重SiGN AND D因VELOpMEN丁 Moliy G10Verand Tim Huckeibe「y with Alexis Dykema,