Unfortunately, Madison will engage in a fight with Baker - in which she can end up killed - if she doesn't find the evidence she is looking for and get out. In "The Doc," she confronts Adrian Baker, who is the legal owner of the apartment in which "The Lizard" takes place. She now begins her own investigation into the killer. During these chapters, Madison will learn about the Origami Killer and begins seeing how he has forced Ethan to do a series of trials for his son's sake. In "Fugitive", Madison must help Ethan escape from Carter Blake and Norman Jayden failure to do so will result in Ethan being imprisoned (only to be broken out by Norman later). She later nurses him again after his wounds from "The Butterfly". She meets Ethan Mars for the first time in this chapter, and tends to his wounds from "The Bear". Madison will then check into the Cross Road Motel in the "First Encounter". Madison will always end up being defeated by them, and will "die", before this is all revealed to be a nightmare. Suddenly, a gang of intruders appear and ambush Madison. She notices a series of strange goings-on in her apartment as if someone is there.

She wakes up at 2 a.m., tired and suffering from insomnia. Madison is introduced in the eleventh chapter of the game, "Sleepless Night," the latest of any initial appearance. If Madison goes to the warehouse alone in "The Old Warehouse" chapter, she may tell the Origami Killer (who she knew at the time to have had a troubled past with their parents) that there is nothing harder than not being loved by one's parents, suggesting she may have had a bad relationship with her father or mother. She also states she has had insomnia since she was a little girl in response to an inquiry from Ethan about it after the events of "Fugitive" and possibly "Under Arrest." However, she only gives this statement when choosing "Lie" in response to Ethan's inquiry, making her statement false.

She does explain to Ethan, however, that she grew up with several brothers and would always be the one to tend to their injuries whenever they got into trouble. It's stated during the game that she was born on May 3, 1984, making her 27 years old during the events of the game which is set in October 2011. In fact, in a developer video that explained some plot holes in the game, it is even admitted by the narrator that Madison is one of the game's most enigmatic characters. Little is known about Madison's life before the events of the game. She eventually finds herself involved in the latest Origami Killer case, conducting her own investigations. Suffering from chronic insomnia and nightmares, she occasionally checks into motels, as they are the only place she can properly sleep. Madison is a young photojournalist living alone in the city.