Queens medical associates shrook
Queens medical associates shrook

queens medical associates shrook

It is now possible to discern trends that shed light upon the current situation as well as being useful for long-range planning purposes. A comprehensive program of studies based upon information from industry, Government, and nonprofit institutions was initiated some seven years ago.

queens medical associates shrook

One of the responsibilities of the National Science Foundation is the continuing study and analysis of the Nation’s scientific research and development potential, including research facilities, scientific manpower, and education for science. Publications of the National Science Foundation. National Science Board, Staff, Committees, and Advisory Panels. THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EFFORT, 1953-1960. Cooperation with the International Cooperation Administration. Liaison with Science Officers of the Department of State. Relationships with International Science Programs of Other Government Agencies. Coordination of Scientific Publications by Federal Agencies. Discipline-Wide Studies of Communications Patterns and Problems. Abstracting and Indexing of Scientific Literature. and Experiments with New Publication Techniques Methods. Inventory of Federal Scientific Information Activities.ĭISSEMINATION0F SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION-Continued Scientific Publications. Studies on Foreign Scientific Information Activities. Professional Society Survey of Foreign Scientific Literature. Importance of Foreign Scientific Literature. Research Information Center and Reviews of Documentation Research. Cooperation Among Private and Professional Organizations intheU.S. Coordination Within the Federal Government. Scientific Manpower Studies.ĭISSEMINATION OF SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION. The National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel. College Programs and Teacher Improvement Programs. Summer Fellowships for Secondary School Teachers of Science and Mathematics. Summer Fellowships for Graduate Teaching Assistants. POW EDUCATION IN THE SCIENCES.įellowship Programs. Patents Resulting from NSF-Supported Research. Office of Special International Programs-U.S. Facilities for Research in the Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences. Division of Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences. Facilities for Research in the Biological and Medical Sciences. Division of Biological and Medical Sciences. SUPPORT OF BASIC RESEARCH IN THE SCIENCES. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION. A PHOTOGRAPHIC SAMPLING OF FOUNDATION-SUPPORTED ACTIVITIES. Rise of New Types of Research Organizations. The Health and Growth of Institutions-Environment of Teaching and Research. STIMULATING THE NATIONAL RESEARCH EFFORT.

queens medical associates shrook

The Honorable The President! of the United States. WATERMAN, Director, National Science Foundation. PRESIDENT : I have the honor to transmit herewith the Annual Report for Fiscal Year 1960 of the National Science Foundation for submission to the Congress as required by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL WASHINGTON, D.C., January 15,1961. Sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington 2 5, D.C.

queens medical associates shrook

Tenth Annzml Report for the Fiscd Year Ended Jane 30, 1960

Queens medical associates shrook